★ this is a personal acc and i mainly talk about my otp

★ into enstars, helios, prsk, not much else

★ i don't really mingle with the fandom of anything i'm into

★ enst favs: ibara, yuzuru, eichi, tsumugi, tatsumi, tori, nagisa

★ heli favs: north sector, will, sirius, i literally love everyone

★ prsk favs: all of wxs and mizuki

★ req always ok i will most likely accept

★ i read fast and livetweet my reactions so this account is NOT spoiler free

★ i mute ppl for the smallest reasons sry

★ this account is SFW but i do drop a reference here and there

★ i hardly ever interact with ship stuff others made (i'm picky)

★ i could not care less about discourse




・PTA Meeting・

・PTA Meeting・

・Snakes of a Scale・

・Bitches of a Litter・



the word i have been using for yuzuru/ibara since ibara was released, nonreversible

nagisa+yuzuru+ibara+tori referred to as a group

ibara & tsumugi (not ship)

ibara & himeru (not ship)

tori & ibara (not ship)

the 5 ships of yuzubara, tsumunatsu, wataei, nagihiyo and tatsumayo